from £74 per week
from £149 per week
from £119 per week
from £89 per week
from £155 per week
from £136 per week
Holiday cottages in the United Kingdom are one of the most popular choices for holidaymakers.
Some of the most popular searches we find people make when looking for self-catering in the UK are holiday cottages Devon, holiday cottages in Cornwall, holiday cottages in Dorset, holiday cottages in Wales and holiday cottages in Cornwall. We also feature holiday cottages in most other parts of the UK including Scotland and Ireland. We scour the beaches of the United Kingdom, only listing the best beach holiday cottages managed by motivated owners and professional agents. The standard of holiday cottages in the UK is extremely high. Staying in quality self-catering holiday cottages is as chic as it comes. Hotels need to look over their shoulders: a comfortable well appointed holiday cottage offers the best of both worlds...